Sam’s Club is stepping up its digital marketing efforts for the all-important Easter holiday by creating an “all-day grazing experience” for its members.
“Our biggest takeaway from our Member’s Mark Community was that Easter isn’t just one meal anymore,” Sam’s Club said in a Thursday blog post. “Members told us they want to start the day with a big, satisfying brunch and then graze throughout the day, mixing sweet and savory bites.”
The Walmart-owned club retailer has a webpage dedicated to the upcoming holiday, offering shopping categories for meals, candy, gift baskets, decor and Lent meal solutions. Sam’s Club announced Thursday that its “Easter Meals” tab includes brunch essentials, all-day snacking items and grilling goods.
Brunch options from the retailer include a slew of private label items from its Member’s Mark line, such as frozen egg bites, fruit and cheese trays, croissants, pancake mix and maple syrup.
Grilling essentials under the “Easter Meals” tab include an array of meats such as lamb loin chops, spiral ham, sirloin steak and beef boneless whole brisket. Other barbecue items Sam’s Club is offering are mac and cheese, dinner rolls and a variety of canned sodas. The grilling options stem from Easter falling later this year, Sam’s Club said.
Sam’s Club’s shopping list also offers pre-made dessert options like pies, cakes and cookies as well as a variety of charcuterie board essentials.
The retailer’s offerings center on what it calls the “10-guest sweet spot,” because its surveyed members indicated planning to host that many people, according to the Thursday announcement.